38,374 votes and counting
Someone from United Kingdom voted for Surfer Dog
Current Goal: 40,000 Votes View Milestones
Privacy Policy
We take your privacy seriously. This policy outlines Bluey.biz's information gathering, cookie policy, and privacy-related practices.
If you have questions about your personal information please Contact Us.
The type of personal information we collect
The type of data that we collect and process includes:
• Internet Protocol (IP) address
• Your Country

We may collect non-personally identifiable information about you in the course of your interaction with our site. This information may include technical information about the browser or type of device you're using. This information will be used purely for the purposes of analytics and tracking the number of visitors to our site.

How we collect personal information
1) We collect personal information directly when you provide it to us and automatically as you navigate through Bluey.biz.
2) We collect your personal information when you provide it to us when you contact us via email.
Why we collect this information
1) We collect your IP when you vote to limit how often you vote - this is to throttle spam/bots/clickbots etc...
2) We collect your country, so we can display the country of the last person that has voted. Example: Somebody from [country] has voted for [character name]
First-Party Cookies
Bluey.biz sets a small session cookie that lets us know you have visited Bluey.biz and will expire once you leave.
Bluey.biz does not use cookies to deliver content specific to your interests, and we don’t set any first-party cookies to help deliver more targeted ads.
Third-Party Cookies
Third-party advertising companies use your personal information to serve ads when you visit Bluey.biz. These advertising networks usually place cookies to develop a profile of your browsing interests and serve advertisements on other websites that are related to your interests. You will see less advertising if you disable these cookies. You can visit the Network Advertising Initiative for more information about this practice and how to use your cookie settings to manage advertising.
Third-Party Privacy Policies
Third-party vendors use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to our website and/or other websites.
The list below identifies each third-party vendor we work with along with a link to their privacy policy.
1) Google Privacy Policy
2) CloudFlare Privacy Policy
Keeping your data secure
We are committed to ensuring that any information you provide to us is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable measures and procedures to safeguard and secure the information that we collect. Bluey.biz will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your explicit permission or are required by law to do so.
Your IP address is not visible to the public at any time.
Links to other websites
Bluey.biz, any associated websites and sub-domains, may contain links to other websites. These websites may or may not be affiliated with Bluey.biz.
Bluey.biz has no control over any external websites therefore clicking any link which results in you visiting an external website will result in this privacy policy no longer applying and Bluey.biz cannot be held responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites.
Acceptance of this policy
Continued use of our site signifies your acceptance of this policy. If you do not accept the policy then please do not use this site.
Last Updated
This page was last updated: 4th May 2024